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Inclusive Outreach


Families from different cultural and linguistic groups can face barriers to enrollment in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), including language, low literacy, and limited access to enrollment assistance. Hispanic and American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children are at least twice as likely to remain uninsured compared to white children. Additionally, they make up two-thirds of the remaining uninsured children eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. Inclusive outreach helps all families get the important coverage they need, including those in non-English speaking households, and will improve their access to affordable, quality care and their overall health.

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign works closely with partners and community-based organizations who conduct inclusive outreach. Explore the Outreach Tool Library to find a wide range of materials, including Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and more! Many of these materials can be customized for free . The Campaign continuously adds new tools to the ever-growing Outreach Tool Library based on feedback and requests from these groups.

Outreach to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Communities

CMS' Division of Tribal Affairs (DTA) creates informational materials for the AI/AN community. These materials are available for free on DTA's full catalog of tools including:

  • Customizable fact sheets on Medicaid and CHIP basics
  • CHIP materials, including brochures and DVDs
  • A report discussing barriers to AI/AN access to Medicaid and CHIP, enrollment strategies, tribal-state collaborations, and other best practices
Tips & Ideas


Facebook/Instagram Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for sharing on Facebook. Download and share them on your account!


Twitter Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for sharing on Facebook. Download and share them on your account!






Fact Sheets

These customizable fact sheets can be used in outreach and enrollment assistance efforts to help families and individuals understand basic information about Medicaid and CHIP. They describe who may be eligible for Medicaid and CHIP, the valuable health coverage benefits the programs provide and how to apply. The fact sheets also discuss specific protections for American Indian and Alaska Native applicants and beneficiaries, and highlight the advantages of enrollment for families and for the community. You can insert Medicaid/CHIP program names for your state, your website address and/or phone number, and up to two logos. These fact sheets provide targeted information for AI/AN children that may be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. Visit here to order free print versions of these fact sheets.

Outreach to Hispanic Communities

Use these tools when conducting outreach to the Hispanic community.

Facebook Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for sharing on Facebook. Download and share them on your account!


Twitter Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for Twitter. Download and tweet these to your followers on your account and use our hashtag #Enroll365!


Newsletter & Article Templates

Use these templates to create your own newsletter or articles in existing newsletters.


Share these images with your network on social media or include in other online communications.


This infographic highlights the coverage gaps and health outcome disparities for Hispanic children.

Outreach to Immigrant Families

Fact Sheet

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for sharing on Facebook. Download and share them on your account!
