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Improving Oral Health

Kid at the dentist

Tooth decay is the most common preventable chronic disease among children in the United States. If left untreated, it can negatively affect a child's physical and social development, as well as his or her school performance. In 2010, CMS launched an Oral Health Initiative to help states ensure that children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP have easy access to dental and oral health services. Learn how we are working to support state efforts.

All children enrolled in Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) have coverage for dental services–including check-ups, x-rays, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, fillings, and more. Check out your state's complete list of benefits for children in Medicaid and CHIP.

Explore our full outreach tool library of free education materials or use the select items below to promote good oral health and encourage families to enroll their eligible children in Medicaid or CHIP. Some of the ‘Think Teeth’ materials can be customized with your organization’s contact information. Please see our Customization Guide for instructions. Organizations are responsible for covering printing costs for customized materials. We also provide materials that you can download, print, and use in your outreach and education activities. Read some ideas on ways share oral health education materials.

"Think Teeth" Oral Health Outreach Tools

These short videos have been created to remind parents and caregivers to "Think Teeth" and promote good oral health with essential benefits available with Medicaid and CHIP coverage! Use these videos on social media, post on websites, digital signage and more!

Please Note: These particular digital videos below have unlimited talent rights and can be used in outreach indefinitely, but only as produced by CMS.

Digital Videos
Social Media Messages

Use these messages in your Facebook posts, Tweets, or other messaging forums to help us spread the word! Be sure to check out our Step-By-Step Guide to Social Sharing Guide for tips on how to post our graphics on your social media accounts.

Facebook Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for sharing on Facebook. Download and share them on your account!

Twitter Images

These images are specifically designed for the best-sized images for Twitter. Download and tweet these to your followers on your account and use our hashtags #Enroll365 and #ThinkTeeth!

Web Banners

Use web banners to link online traffic to Healthcare.gov where visitors can find more information about their states' programs and how to enroll or the InsureKidsNow.gov Dental Health Page. Each .zip folder includes three standard web banner and button sizes, as well as posting instructions. Place these banners and buttons on your website!

Web Buttons

Great for sidebars, use these web buttons to link online traffic to Healthcare.gov where visitors can find more information about their states' programs and how to enroll or the InsureKidsNow.gov Dental Health Page. Each .zip folder includes three standard web banner and button sizes, as well as posting instructions. Place these banners and buttons on your website!

Print Materials

Think Teeth Coloring Pages (CMS Product No.12174, 12175)


Download this poster–available in both English and Spanish–to help with your outreach initiatives.


Good Dental Habits for Children under Age 3 Poster (CMS Product Number 11665)


Download this flyer–available in both English and Spanish–to help with your outreach initiatives.


Good Dental Habits for Children under Age 3 Flyer (CMS Product Number 11666)

Tear Pads

Download these tear pads–available in both English and Spanish–to help with your outreach initiatives.


Good Dental Habits for Children of All Ages Tear-Pads (CMS Product Number 11774)

Public Service Announcements (PSA) Scripts

You can use these radio public service announcements (PSAs) to further your outreach efforts and help spread the word about Medicaid and CHIP. Be sure to read our 10 Tips for Putting Public Service Announcements to Work to help increase the effectiveness of your campaigns!

Newsletter & Article Templates

Use these templates to create your own newsletter or articles in existing newsletters.

newsletter article icon

Template newsletter articles to promote "Think Teeth" materials for pregnant women, parents, and caregivers

Fact Sheets