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CHIPRA Cycle I Grant Awards Summary

The Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital – awarded $498,718

The Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital is an integrated health care delivery system of teaching hospitals, specialty care systems, rural health care centers, and school health centers in an eight county area in New York. Through this grant, a broad cross section of community partners will operate a network of circuit-rider outreach workers. They will provide outreach to rural families at times and places convenient to the families, including homes and schools, providing information and assistance in enrolling in the Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Programs.

Oregon Department of Health and Human Services – awarded $988,177

The Office of Healthy Kids, within the Division of Medical Assistance, will operate the Children's Health Equity Outreach Project. The grant will support safety net health providers, public health departments and school-based health centers to reach and enroll eligible uninsured children, especially those in immigrant families. This outreach effort will combine a public health approach, with targeted culturally appropriate organizations and outreach stations.

Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc. (FANM) – awarded $69,102

FANM will be reaching out to the growing Haitian community in the Miami-Dade County area through a partnership with the Jackson Health System and the Department of Children and Families. It will offer well-coordinated linguistically appropriate consultation and communication to decrease the number of uninsured children.

Concern for Health Options, Information, Care & Education (CHOICE) – awarded $200,000

CHOICE serves the five counties in Southeast Pennsylvania that comprise the greater Philadelphia area. Through the grant, CHOICE will help Spanish speaking families understand and complete necessary applications, assist them in collecting necessary documents, and will provide preventive health information and referrals to low cost health care providers. CHOICE will also work to help families access related services across the system including social workers, school personnel and other support personal, such as those providing mental health services.

South End Community Health Center – awarded $304,385

South End Community Health Center serves the greater Boston area and will mobilize a volunteer network of Latino Families to assist in reaching out to Latino and homeless community members. They will hire, train and deploy culturally competent, bilingual community health workers. These groups, partnering with Latino grassroots organizations will do onsite virtual gateway enrollments and will create tickler files for assistance with redeterminations and re-enrollments. Outreach will be conducted through neighborhood schools and early childhood programs, local governments, local housing authorities and local churches.

Mississippi Primary Health Care Association – awarded $988,152

Mississippi Primary Care Association will utilize Community out-stationed workers that will be located in each of the 21 Federal Community Health Centers (FQHCs) in the State. These workers will conduct outreach activities through other service-related partners (Head Start, school health fairs, etc.), will assist with paperwork, and will accept and track applications, assessing them to determine which outreach efforts are the most successful and which ones need additional help.

Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation – awarded $988,177

Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation will target outreach activities in New York, Memphis and Atlanta aiming outreach efforts at African-American, Hispanic, legal immigrant children as well as children living in mixed immigration status households. The grant will use community-based organizations and health plans to provide assistance to residents in low income and underserved neighborhoods.

West End Medical Centers Inc. – awarded $571,135

West End Medical Centers, Inc. is a federally qualified community health center and will target children in Fulton and Cobb counties. The grant will use a team of community health outreach workers, some of whom will be bilingual. They will employ advertising and promotional activities, social networks such as Twitter and Facebook and written materials, such as monthly newsletters and flyers, and telephone campaigns to reach out to parents of uncovered children.

New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services – awarded $988,177

New Jersey Department of Human Services will use their grant to test whether facilitated enrollment in targeted schools using school personnel, personal assistance from community- based organizations and an express lane eligibility program can result in all uninsured children enrolling and remaining enrolled as long as they are eligible. The grant will target ethnic and immigrant communities in schools that have a student population with a participation rate of greater than 50% in the free and reduced price lunch program and that have more than 50% using the English as a second language program.

Providence Little Company of Mary Foundation – awarded $317,144

Providence Little Company of Mary Foundation will use a collaborative, community-based strategy to increase enrollment and retention through outreach to community-based organizations and employer sites. The outreach will be designed to target populations in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in six communities—Gardenia, Hawthorne, Lawndale, Harbor City, Wilmington and San Pedro, all in the greater Los Angeles area, communities with a high rate of uninsurance, poverty and a high rate of Spanish speaking residents. The grant will emphasize personal contact and will target children potentially eligible for Medicaid and Healthy Families and assist eligible children in their applications for enrollment and re-enrollment.

Colorado Association of School Based Health Care – awarded $499,835

Colorado Association of School Based Health Care will seek to duplicate in five sites the successful program in Pueblo City, which successfully enrolled and retained children in Medicaid and Chip through the school-based health center. The program is targeting adolescents, Hispanics, Native Americans and children who live in isolated rural areas.

National Alliance for Hispanic Health – awarded $984,144

National Alliance for Hispanic Health is a national organization that will target enrollment of Hispanic children in the seven states: Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Illinois and New Jersey. The Alliance will provide one-on-one counseling and community-based support using Promotoras or lay health outreach workers. They will offer application assistance, education on how to navigate the health care system, distribution of material in English and Spanish and will partner with public health and private agencies. Outreach will be conducted using information and referral, building community-based capacity, development of culturally proficient bilingual materials, developing strong collaborative partnerships with other Hispanic health organizations, and strong media relations.

Portico Healthnet Inc. – awarded $988,177

Portico Healthnet Inc. is a coalition and will target migrant farmers, Latinos, teens, rural children, homeless children and American Indian Children. The coalition will conduct a strategy comprised of addressing the lack of awareness of public programs and the application process for public programs. In addition they will work on tracking for retention and renewal, on data collection and reporting and on benchmarking peer learning among workers.

YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids – awarded $293,040

YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids has an active partnership with 40 schools and organizations their community outreach program. They are planning to use this program, frequent family fun nights, their Native American Education Program, their Hispanic Center of West Michigan and several other existing programs to develop a marketing, education and one-on-one enrollment assistance program that will educate consumers about the availability of CHIP and Medicaid and assist individuals with one-on-one help with enrollment.

Yolo County Children's Alliance (YCCA) – awarded $399,900

YCCA is a community-based non-profit organization that has a formalized partnership with the MediCal administration to conduct outreach and enrollment, and has a bilingual staff. The YCCA is able to subcontract with local clinics and community-based organizations to assist with outreach, enrollment, retention and utilization efforts. YCCA will work with Early Head Start and Head Start to reach the parents of the 0-5 year olds, with the Step by Step program to reach pregnant and post-partum mothers and with the Migrant Center to address the influx of migrant families that work in the Valley each growing season. The YCCA will also work with Latina health outreach workers who will conduct home visits, with the resource fair at migrant camps and with the required migrant safety fairs. Outreach will concentrate on person to person outreach, but information and forms will be easily accessed from any Internet-equipped laptop and at kiosks to permit easy access.

Consumer Health Coalition – awarded $299,750

Consumer Health Coalition is a county based organization that will focus on Allegheny, Butler and Indiana Counties. The grant proposes to build on a successful past strategy called the 100% Pledge Campaign in which all organizations that routinely serve eligible families will be asked to task their workers with enrolling these families in Medicaid or CHIP. Staff will conduct outreach at such community and cultural events as the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Sons of God Ministries and barbershops. Plans are to reach out to a variety of communities including the Somali, Chinese, Russian and Turkish immigrant communities. Outreach will include phone calls and renewal letters in native languages.

Northeast Oregon Network of LaGrande – awarded $465,982

Northeast Oregon Network of LaGrande is a 501(c)3 organization serving Union, Baker and Wallowa Counties. This is a rural and frontier collaboration led in part by public health and human services organizations. Its outreach workers are mobile, providing services in neutral friendly locations in the community such as libraries and churches. The grant will permit the development of a sustainable database and data collection capability.

West Virginia Alliance for Sustainable Families – awarded $330,700

This is a coalition that will utilize inROADS, a system designed to support self-service applications over the Internet. inROADS allows for quick on site self-enrollment or assisted enrollment through partner organizations. The target population is children living in rural areas. Coalition organizations include:

  • West Virginia Council of Churches
  • Partnership of African American Churches
  • Partners in Health Network (PIHN)
  • South Central Educational Development. Inc..

Palmetto Project, Inc. – awarded $981,009

This is a non-profit entity that will target teens, African Americans and Hispanic children. They will hire Coordinators that will assist with applications through local community organizations.

St. Francis House NWA Inc., Community clinic – awarded $162,965

This is an FQHC serving low income and uninsured people in Northwest Arkansas. It will target immigrant and Hispanic populations through multi-lingual outreach workers, patient advocates and community liaisons. School partners will be utilized. An existing database will be expanded to track the necessary data.

Maine Department of Health and Human Services – awarded $680,249

The awardee will target rural and underserved populations. The primary focus is to improve retention of eligible families through technological enhancements to the State's Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES). The capacity for electronic renewal will be developed.

Wind River Health Systems Inc. – awarded $381,895

Wind River is an FQHC and serves the medically underserved on Wind River Indian Reservation. The clinic will hire Outreach and Enrollment representatives from the two tribes that reside on this reservation. The representatives will be able to assist new and existing enrollees to complete the necessary paperwork online. The Outreach and Enrollment representatives will visit schools, churches, tribal housing units and community events within the respective tribe's locale.

Maine Primary Care Association – awarded $311,061

This project will focus on ensuring the systems are in place among safety net care providers to identify all eligible children and provide enrollment supports and to reduce churning through support to maintain enrollment. The target population is rural children. Electronic practice management systems and a dedicated helpline will be utilized.

St. Vincent Health Inc. – awarded $864,309

St. Vincent Health, Inc. will work to increase the enrollment and retention of eligible children in seven Indiana counties through a Rural and Urban Access to Health Program (RUAH). The project expects to enroll a total of 1,535 new children over the two-year grant period and retain 75% of those children in the programs for which they are eligible. Within the targeted communities (Madison, Gibson, Perry, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties), Health Access Workers (HAWs) will identify eligible but unenrolled children in need of services by visiting community locations that attract the target population, such as community centers, clinics, schools, hospitals, or libraries. HAWs are members of the community they serve and are often proactively approached by clients for service as well as receiving referrals from other community partners.

Louisiana State Department of Health and Hospitals – awarded $955,681

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, LaCHIP/Medicaid Eligibility Division is a State agency located in Louisiana. Their project plans to enroll 10,000 eligible but uninsured children from targeted parishes and underserved populations into LaCHIP or Medicaid. They will accomplish this through targeted community-based outreach and face-to-face application assistance. They will recruit ten community partners (LaCHIP Community Canvassers) who have access to and credibility with families in the target areas to complete and submit applications for Medicaid or LaCHIP. They will also use a contractor to provide technical assistance to LaCHIP Community Canvassers in developing partnerships in non- traditional settings and venues. This grant will focus on rural areas with high percentages of uninsured children, the Hispanic community and families displaced or adversely impacted by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Gustav.

Inter-Faith Ministries Wichita Inc. – awarded $523,932

The Inter-Faith Ministries of Wichita (IFM) is a Kansas-based non-profit coalition made up of Families Together, Inc., the Via Christ Health Network, and the Kansas Health Policy Authority (KHPA) Their project is entitled The Kansas Benefit Bank (TKBB). TKBB will use a counselor- assisted web-based system to offer multiple benefit applications to low-income families for food stamps, Medicaid, and CHIP, as well as refunds and credits from federal and state tax filing. This project will increase the enrollment of Kansas children in Medicaid and CHIP by 8,000 as a direct result of this project over two years and increase the retention of eligible children in these health-insurance programs by 10% over 2008 level; and create a sustainable, replicable, cost-effective, and inclusive model, based on best practices, for enrolling and retaining children in Medicaid and CHIP. This project will use nine outreach strategies to reach the targeted populations in four geographic" zones" in Kansas (South Central, South East, South West, and North East) where the highest concentrations of these targeted populations have been identified.

YWCA of Lubbock, Texas, INC. – awarded $384,680

West Texas Healthy Kids is an initiative of The YWCA of Lubbock and its coalition of partners in the region. The initiative proposes to reduce the numbers of eligible but uninsured children in the South Plains region by up to 10% and increase the average retention rates for the region by 10%. They will use community-based outreach strategies to overcome language barriers in Hispanic enrollments. The coalition includes:

  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing
  • WorkForce Solutions of the South Plains
  • West Texas Healthy Kids
  • Lubbock Chamber of Commerce
  • Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
  • United Supermarkets
  • South Plains Association of Governments
  • Lubbock Independent School District
  • Lubbock Area United Way

Missouri Coalition for Primary Health Care – awarded $332,173

The Missouri Primary Care Association (MPCA), through its member network of 21 Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHCs), will implement a project to increase Medicaid enrollment of eligible teens who are receiving services at Missouri FQHCs. The primary outreach strategies for the project include raising awareness for parents and teens, outreach training specific to teen enrollment for FQHC staff at all levels, one-on-one application assistance, parent/teen education about coverage, and collaboration with local organizations.

Hawaii Primary Care Association – awarded $488,187

Hawaii Covering Kids, formerly funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will re- energize its enrollment efforts through the 226 organizations that participate in its outreach activities. Five task forces and several workgroups will meet regularly to implement project goals. Outreach will include postcard mail-outs, rural radio campaign, immigrant and Pacific Migrant Radio Campaign, movie theatre and shopping mall advertising, data mapping, and pharmacy outreach.

Dayton Public Schools – awarded $327,900

Through a coalition approach, this project will conduct a current community assessment of barriers to accessing health care and enrollment; will conduct a series of ongoing educational events for school based personnel, community based health and social services providers, and community members; and provide specific outreach and referral services using Community Health Advocates (CHAs) to provide one on one assistance with enrollment and follow-up with families by CHAs following denial of applications and at the point of recertification. Coalition members will include the Center for Healthy Communities (Center), itself a coalition of over 40 health and social services community and academic partners, and coalition associates of the network of charter schools in the Greater Dayton Area, and the seventeen other school districts in Montgomery County (Ohio) and well as country level and state Medicaid offices.

Medical College of Georgia Research Institute – awarded $986,827

The target area is 11 rural counties and a rural portion of Columbia County with large proportions high child poverty rates, especially among African-Americans; low literacy rates among parents; and rising unemployment rates. The project consists of a School-Based Model for Outreach and Enrollment and relies on the communication of the school superintendent, classroom teachers, and parents' employers who all have access to and credibility with the children's parents. It will be reinforced by additional community-based outreach,

Pima Community Access Program – awarded $982,577

The Pima Community Access Program (PCAP), along with eight community partners, will target enrollment in two Southern Arizona U.S./Mexico border counties. This partnership, known as tuSalud (Your Health), has a goal to enroll and retain 18% of the 50,438 estimated children (18,841) who are eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP. The use of Community Health Workers, or Promotoras in Spanish, will be a key strategy to gain the access and trust of hard-to-reach groups in a cost-effective way. Use of Arizona Healthy E- Application, a web based, paperless public benefits application will reduce barriers associated with burdensome enrollment procedures and will facilitate the collection of outreach strategy, enrollment and retention data for continuous program improvement.

Community Health Center Association of Connecticut – awarded $988,177

The Community Health Center Association of Connecticut (CHCACT), a statewide association of twelve federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), will focus on teens, children of Hispanic origin, children in households with mixed immigration status, and children of migrant/ seasonal farm workers. Through systematic training, support, and continual assessment/revaluation of strategies, Community Health Outreach Workers (CHOWs) at nine Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) will conduct outreach/enrollment activities in non-traditional settings during evenings and weekends.

Wyoming Department of Health; Children's Health Insurance Program – awarded $268,889

Wyoming's Kids project, housed in the State Agency, will target rural children and create enrollment sites across the state; house laptop computers for families to enroll/re-enroll in Medicaid or CHIP in nine public health nurses' offices; partner with the Cheyenne Health and Wellness Center; implement enrollment system improvements and updates to the Medicaid and CHIP online application system and create an Automated Renewal Reminder Phone System to remind families of upcoming renewals.

TECHE Action Board – awarded $234,808

The grant will be used to develop a local, community-based outreach infrastructure. The project will support the development of targeted, short-term outreach campaigns in addition to continuous, long term outreach strategies. Community health workers will facilitate the networking and outreach infrastructure development in St. Mary's Parish.

Michigan Primary Care Association (MCPA) – awarded $915,079

The Michigan Primary Care Assoc. and the Michigan Association of United Ways will increase the number of accessible, user-friendly enrollment centers in communities throughout the state of Michigan. MPCA will place AmeriCorps Outreach Specialists in key locations throughout the state to actively enroll children in MICHILD and train local organizations to use a comprehensive, user-friendly benefit access system.

University of South Florida – awarded $988,177

Florida Covering Kids and Families (FL-CKF) is a program based in the College of Public Health at the University of South Florida (USF). FL-CKF, in partnership with the Florida Covering Kids and Families State Coalition and 10 county-based local projects will provide local project members with programmatic assistance and support by increasing the capacity for providing successful application and renewal assistance; increasing the number of places where families can apply and receive assistance; and providing application and renewal assistance, and follow-up with each family to completion.

Alabama Primary Care Association – awarded $987,732

Outreach and enrollment activities will focus on and involve parents and guardians of children; community-based organizations; the general public; health care, homelessness, social service, and child care professionals and organizations of which they are members; and FQHC staff. Computer-equipped kiosks through which initial application and annual program redetermination can be completed will be utilized. The kiosks will be located at FQHCs, hospitals, and other locations.

New Mexico Human Services Department – awarded $957,221

Funding for this project will allow New Mexico to implement an inclusive and user-friendly approach to Medicaid and CHIP enrollment using web-based application technology and to execute thoughtful marketing, education and outreach strategies designed to address New Mexico's unique cultural diversity and predominantly rural population. The strategies that form the basis and purpose of this application for funding include: the design and installation of multiple stand-alone kiosks that can process web-based applications, and which will eliminate the necessity for families to travel to eligibility field offices to apply for Medicaid and CHIP coverage; and the introduction of new, creative and culturally sensitive outreach and marketing techniques.

Bay Clinic, Inc. – awarded $200,000

Bay Clinic, Inc. is a federally qualified community health center network with six sites serving rural East and South Hawaii Island. The project will utilize community based outreach including one on one application assistance to target, enroll, and retain qualifying children. The grantee will conduct outreach in churches, schools and community centers.

One World Community Health Centers Inc. – awarded $706,264

OneWorld Community Health Centers, Inc. (OW) will target Hispanic children in the greater Omaha metro service area who reside in households of mixed immigration status. To ensure achievement of Program goals and objectives, OW will develop and implement a Promotora model that encompasses a results-driven outreach and public education campaign, with outcomes tied to actual enrollment and retention of children in Medicaid/CHIP.

Cheshire Medical Center – awarded $143,700

Cheshire Medical Center (CMC) is a 169-bed community hospital. With no Federally Qualified Health Center in this rural county, CMC serves as the safety net provider for the area. Recently CMC was designated by the State's Department of Health and Human Services as a Electronic Application System. This newly developed web based application product will facilitate outreach efforts by allowing the completion of applications while out in the community. Funding under this initiative will be used to develop a system for tracking retention. An electronic calendar dedicated to tracking the date a family would be due for redetermination of services and logging contacts with that family will be used. Once an initial application is completed, the family's contact information, referral source, and anticipated coverage termination date will be entered into the calendar. Target populations are rural and immigrant children.

Health Research and Educational Trust of New Jersey – awarded $988,177

The goal of this project is to maximize enrollment and retention of New Jersey's 175,000 eligible children through a broad-based coalition of health care providers, community-based organizations and local eligibility determination agencies. The project will focus primarily on families at the point of health care service (hospitals, clinics and other health care delivery sites), which are proven to be effective outreach and enrollment sites and where families are most receptive to information about the importance and need of health care coverage. Emphasis will also be placed on improved efficiency at the County welfare agencies (CWAs) and local eligibility determination offices to make enrollment and renewal processes shorter/easier. The plans include increasing the capacity and efficiency of the CWAs, employing technological improvements to facilitate enrollment efforts and engaging Medicaid HMOs to actively participate in retention efforts.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services – awarded $988,177

The Department of Health Services will build technological advancements into ACCESS and CARES to facilitate the enrollment intake, expedite application processing, and reduce the barriers to retention in Medicaid and CHIP.

Association for Utah Community Health (AUCH) – awarded $762,580

AUCH, Utah's federally recognized Primary Care Association, in partnership with four FQHC organizations will implement a clinic-based outreach and one-to-one patient and family enrollment assistance project. A multi-lingual Outreach Coordinator (OC) will be hired and trained to conduct outreach activities. Electronic health records and patient management software will be utilized to identify currently uninsured children and families at all partner health centers.

Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) – awarded $957,617

CCUSA will lead a consortium of 11 local affiliates to provide outreach and enrollment services to at least 12,532 difficult-to-reach children/youth through local Catholic Charities in the following 10 States: CA, CT, IL, KS, MD, MI, MO, NJ, OH and VA (in 67 counties). It will target linguistic minorities and immigrants, especially Latinos; children of migrant farmers; Hispanic children; teens; rural families; homeless children; American Indian/Alaska Natives; and, other children of low-income working parents, particularly those of African Americans.

Vietnamese Social Services of Minnesota – awarded $280,000

The Southeast Asian Children's Health Insurance Program (SEACHIP) is a coalition of 4 organizations for the purpose of enrolling 640 children from Southeast Asian communities in the Twin cities area. This program will specifically address the barriers of language, use of the health care system and the social stigma of the welfare system. A multi-modal approach to all aspects of social interaction such as churches, businesses, and media will be used to outreach the population.

Texas Leadership Center – awarded $988,177

The Texas Leadership Center proposes a school based outreach model to identify and enroll eligible uninsured students in CHIP. The focus will be on 7 school districts in South and Southeast Texas with a high Latino population. The main strategy is to add a question on the school enrollment form about health insurance. Personal follow up will consist of contacting parents to determine eligibility.

Puget Sound neighborhood Health Centers Neighborcare (PSNHC) – awarded $150,000

PSNHC plans to increases CHIP enrollment through increased outreach in communities; targeted engagement with racially and ethnically diverse communities, public housing residents, and homeless; and targeted retention strategies to ensure children remain covered. PSNHC serves a very diverse population of patients who together speak more than 100 different languages and dialects. A minimum of 200 children will be enrolled in CHIP as a result of these interventions. They have an electronic practice management system and electronic medical record system that will be used to identify the families, track them through enrollment and retention, will be used to report them to the State and data collected for evaluation.

Alaska Youth and Family Network – awarded $198,304

This project will provide information to 15,000 families, expand and systematize the outreach and support effort to 3000 families, and enroll/reenroll/retain 500 children on Medicaid, Denali Kid Care or Medicaid waivers. Peer Navigators will be trained and utilized in provider offices as well as the community to talk with parents and children about services and available resources. An existing data system will compile data to be used for evaluation of the project.

Mountain States Group, Inc. – awarded $287,896

This grantee will target rural Hispanic and rural non-Hispanic children located in rural Canyon, Cassia, Elmore, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Washington Counties of Idaho. A new enrollment form has been piloted in one area of Idaho and found to be a positive step in enrolling eligible children. This form will be utilized in the counties identified with appropriate training to staff. Outreach within the communities, as well as appropriate language literature and partnering with local community agencies such as schools, hospitals, youth groups, and local Hispanic organizations to educate the public about benefits available to them. Evaluation will be accomplished by setting up a data tracking system that will compare to predetermined benchmarks and reported quarterly.

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services –awarded $971,868

The Montana CHIPRA Coalition will reduce the number of uninsured children in Montana's target populations of American Indian and Rural/frontier populations through the Healthy Montana Kids Project. The goals of this project will be accomplished by assisting families in completing the application, either on-line or paper, including assistance in identifying and gathering documents and navigating the application process. This assistance to families will include door-to-door and telephone contacts and contacts in places frequented by families of the target populations, such as community events, schools, food pantries, child care centers, health clinics, employment offices, churches, colleges and universities, after-school programs, children's activity fairs, health department programs (WIC, maternal-child home visiting, immunization programs), homeless shelters, laundromats, and thrift shops. Healthy Montana Kids will conduct a statewide media campaign to inform parents, families, and friends of uninsured children about the availability of health care coverage for children.

Norton Sound Health Corporation – awarded $72,999

Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) is a Tribal health care non-profit corporation formed by IRA/Traditional Council resolutions of the 20 federally recognized Tribes in the Bering Straits Region of Northwest Alaska. This organization will provide outreach and enrollment into Medicaid/CHIP by utilizing the Patient Benefits Department, currently staffed with one Patient Benefits Manager and four Patient Benefit Specialists. The Specialists are assigned specific villages (and Nome) in the region to assist individuals with enrollment. The project will use an educational campaign; one-on-one enrollment; phone-based enrollment centers and an internal referral system.

Oklahoma Health Care Authority – awarded $988,177

This project, entitled SoonerEnroll, will enroll previously uninsured children into the SoonerCare program; and improve the rate of successful and timely recertification of children who are dis-enrolled. OHCA has created and will be piloting an original and innovative online enrollment and eligibility program titled No Wrong Door (NWD). The NWD application process is to be launched early in CY 2010. It is an electronic enrollment and re-enrollment process that allows the user to complete an application online and provides explanations, prompts and supportive information to the applicant as well as determining eligibility. NWD streamlines the process and improves the ease and efficiency of enrollment.

Garrett County Health Department – awarded $200,000

This outreach project is called "A Child's Health is Priceless" and utilizes a person to person outreach strategy to contact and enroll children throughout this rural county. They will be able to track the children eligible for re-enrollment and contact them for updating their application. A data base will be set up to capture the information needed, generate reports, and keep up to date on the benchmarks selected as a minimum standard of accomplishment for their goals.

First Nations Community Health Source – awarded $355,000.

First Nations is an FQHC urban Indian health center for the homeless in Albuquerque. This is a Medicaid enrollment project, a community based application and renewal program to expand and enhance Medicaid and CHIP enrollment and renewals to a minimum of 2,300 uninsured children including those who are difficult to reach in Bernalillo County and the surrounding tribes. The project will target urban and rural children who are from racial and ethnic minorities including American Indians, Hispanic immigrants and homeless individuals. The project will conduct Medicaid and CHIP enrollment and education both onsite and in the community.

Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati – awarded $316,418.

The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati is a private, not-for-profit legal services organization that is partnering with Health Source of Ohio, a private, not-for-profit community health center with 15 primary care offices including a school-based health center throughout five rural Appalachian counties east of Cincinnati. The grant will target efforts in Cincinnati and the following counties: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Hamilton, Highland and Warren. This grant will target legal immigrants, Hispanics, teenagers, rural children, and homeless children. Strategies will include targeted marketing supported with one-on-one guidance through the application process, enrollment assistance, advice on document gathering and verification, monitoring of the process, assistance with appeals, and tracking enrolled children to monitor the renewal and recertification process. The project envisions using school-based health centers and will provide outreach through such partners as Healthy Moms and Babes, Coaches' Caring, the Ohio Benefit Bank and the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Food Banks.

Virginia Health Care Foundation – awarded $988,154.

Through this project, outreach workers will contact businesses that do not offer health insurance to urge them to promote FAMIS among their employees. They will also arrange for on-site enrollment activities before and after work when employees can meet with outreach workers. Employers will also be asked to include flyers in paychecks. In addition outreach workers will work with health care sites that treat numbers of uninsured and collaborate with faith-based organizations which work with children and families as well as work with existing events such as the Salvation Army Toy Drive, Head Start enrollment and church and community clean up days.

Beacon Therapeutic School, Inc. of Chicago, IL – awarded $250,830.

Beacon proposes to sustain All-Kids outreach in its shelter outreach program. Beacon provides services in 26 homeless shelters and homes and will provide outreach in all 50 shelters in the city. Outreach services will be built on a system of peer advocates and incentives. Two adult and two adolescent peers who live in shelters will work with case managers to recruit and enroll homeless children. Parents and unaccompanied adolescents will receive assistance in filling out their application forms. The case manager will keep track of all applicants, assure documentation is complete, submit applications electronically, follow through with lost applications and/or denials, make sure each applicant has a medical home and stay in touch with all of the applicants to ensure retention and enrollment.

St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation – awarded $985,373.

The St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation will partner with organizations and agencies to deploy a community-based outreach and enrollment program that will identify and enroll up to 7,500 eligible children. St. Louis Hospital is building this coalition through the efforts of its Child Health Advocacy and Outreach Divisions. Efforts will be concentrated in the multiple school districts with the highest concentration of children eligible for free and reduced price lunches. The coalition's primary subcontractor is the Metropolitan Organization Strengthening and Empowering Society (MOSES), a respected and trusted consortium of 35 predominately African-American churches with a strong track record of grass roots organizing and activism in low-income minority communities.

Tombigbee Healthcare Authority – awarded $141,167.

This grantee is a clinic that provides health care in a rural, underserved area of Marengo County. They will focus on children who attend schools and churches. To accomplish this, THA will hire 2 full time outreach coordinators, who will perform face-to-face outreach in schools, churches, and clinics. They will identify children through participation in the free school lunch program, receipt of TANF, and SNAP (food stamps.)

Health Care for All, Inc. (HCFA) – awarded $410,815

HCFA currently operates a Hotline service for the Mass Health state health care program . HCFA plans to utilize Hotline data, as well as State agency current information, to refocus outreach efforts where information is needed most. Plans are made to collaborate with ethnic media organizations, using online social media utilities, faith based and community organizations, and partnering with homeless organizations.

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene – awarded $988,177

This is the single state agency for Medicaid and CHIP. It plans to create a comprehensive strategy to streamline information about how to obtain health benefits, implement technology based applications, and identify, enroll, and retain children in Medicaid and CHIP. In order to identify potential enrollees, its strategy will include data matches with the Department of Taxation and school lunch programs. Funds will be used to expand new technology-based eligibility and enrollment systems for the use of an online application tool which will provide real time decisions for Medicaid and CHIP applications. In addition, the State will partner with United Way to expand its Hotline center, which will assist residents with eligibility and enrollment.

Chicago Public Schools, awarded $235,173

The Chicago Public Schools will expand outreach and increase enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP for families whose children are enrolled in early childhood programs (infants and toddlers up to age 5). They will obtain data from the Medicaid and CHIP State agencies regarding re-determination dates of current enrollees, and reach out to families 45 days in advance of the eligibility end date to ensure that eligible families will be retained in their health care programs. Targeting will be done by geographic areas with highest under- enrollment using a previous proven model for targeting, and matching with the Federal Free and Reduced Meals program.

North Carolina Pediatric Society Foundation (NCPSF) – awarded $678,210

NCPSF is a membership organization representing over 1700 pediatricians in North Carolina. This project, "North Carolina Healthy and Ready to Learn" (HRL) partnership, is a targeted school-based outreach and enrollment effort, and will be done in partnership between NCPSF and the State Medicaid and CHIP agencies. In the first year, the partnership will focus on identifying and enrolling eligible, uninsured children entering kindergarten in counties known to have high rates of un-insurance. Year 2 will focus on 4 and 5 year olds. Partnering with school based personnel, and school health advisory councils, HRL will automate a state required kindergarten assessment form as a screening tool to determine the status of health insurance. School nurses will assist in screening children for potential enrollment. A file match will be done with the school lunch program applications, with the potential for assisting North Carolina in utilizing the school lunch program as an express lane eligibility agency for Medicaid and CHIP.

HIP of Spokane County dba/Community Minded Enterprise (CME) – awarded $299,766

CME is a 501(c)(3) community based organization and it will target Spokane, and 8 additional counties for an outreach initiative directed towards the uninsured, before they require medical treatment. The approach will include community based outreach, facilitated enrollment services, health education and promotion, and support of retention efforts. Specific activities will be promoting data sharing and matching with participants in the reduced school lunch program, direct referral from key childcare providers, partnering with tribal leaders and tribal organizations to overcome barriers to enrollment, targeting a print media campaign towards pregnant women, and culturally sensitive public service announcements.

Keys for Networking – awarded $886,749

NO PLACE LIKE HOME (NPLH) targets teenagers after they transition from the Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority 0JA) custody to their families. KEYS will submit completed Medicaid and CHIP applications with accompanying verification documents as required by the state Medicaid Enrollment Center. Keys uses the strategies of peer-to-peer support, information and training. Parent mentors are matched to parents whose children are current clients of the system.

Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) – awarded $400,584

This project will develop technology to increase enrollment across the state with a web- based screening as an informational outreach tool. The online tool will allow CHC staff to track and measure the effectiveness of outreach strategies. The technology employed for this outreach project, HelpEngen, is customized for HUSKY enrollment. The HUSKY content will be built on the HelpEngen™ platform and launched at CHC by January of 2010. By January 30 staff from CHC will be trained to use HelpEngen to assist enrolling patients in Medicaid/HUSKY. This will include 3 AmeriCorps members who will be assigned to assist with outreach and eligibility work exclusively. Once HelpEngen has been launched successfully at CHC, HelpEngen Quickscreen, an easy-to-use anonymous pre-screening tool, will be marketed to community partners for wide public use.

Telluride Foundation – awarded $301,410

Through its Local Health Initiative (LHI), Telluride will use a "Medicaid and CHP+ School and Child Care Provider Based Outreach and Enrollment Program," in 4 counties, 5 school districts, and in Bright Futures Early Childhood Regional Councils. They will work with over 175 child care providers that will use "navigators" and a comprehensive software tracking system to increase enrollment, health care follow-up and provide health information. Navigators will work in each county, collaborating with school districts and child care centers to link directly with parents to increase enrollment. They will use web-based customized "Member Tracking Software" to help identify eligible children and work with them through the application system as well as through the renewal process.