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School-Based Outreach Strategies to Reach Medicaid & CHIP-Eligible Students

School administrators and leaders are engaging in strategic approaches to reduce the number of eligible students not enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP. Professionals who work in school environments are uniquely positioned to identify children that need health coverage. They are using this opportunity to forge partnerships with community organizations and actively assist in connecting families to health care.

Engaging Non-Traditional Partners to Increase Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment

There may be many untapped opportunities to engage with non-traditional partners to further an organization’s reach and to boost Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment. These partnerships can strengthen the connections between daily lives and health care, ultimately enrolling more families and children in Medicaid and CHIP. Learn how to engage community partners who may not be top of mind when planning outreach and enrollment strategies, but are key in helping to reduce the number of uninsured children.

Strategies for Building Media Relationships to Expand Medicaid & CHIP Outreach Efforts

Local television news programs, drive-time radio and community newspapers are just a few examples of media consumers turn to daily for information. And building relationships with these media outlets can serve as a valuable extension of on-going Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) outreach and enrollment efforts.

Promoting Medicaid and CHIP during Marketplace Open Enrollment

Organizations, navigators and others helping to enroll families in health insurance play an important role connecting eligible, but unenrolled children who need health care coverage, to Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). And while enrollment in these programs is open year-round, some families may learn about their eligibility during Marketplace Open Enrollment – as this is a time of the year when attention to health coverage is high.

Connecting American Indian and Alaska Native Children to Health Coverage

American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities encounter barriers to health access due to remote geographic locations, lack of access to reliable Internet and phone service, distrust of government programs, language and health literacy barriers, and cultural differences. A panel of experts discussed strategies to identify and engage AI/AN communities and Tribal organizations to promote Medicaid and CHIP enrollment – and specifically to help connect children in these communities to health coverage.

Medicaid and CHIP Engagement and Enrollment Strategies for Multi-Generational Families

Family structure can be influenced by cultural, financial, and situational factors. And multi-generational households, kinship care, same-sex parents, single parents, and siblings living together are just some of the many diverse family structures in which children who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP live and thrive. In this webinar, experts discussed strategies to help identify eligible children and families in diverse family structures and connect them to health coverage.

Advocating for Healthy Smiles: Children and Oral Health

The prevalence of dental disease and tooth loss is disproportionately higher among people with lower income levels, largely due to inadequate access to care. Additionally, more than 6 million school hours are lost each year due to dental issues. All children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP are covered for dental services—including check-ups, x-rays, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, fillings, and more, but many parents are unaware of these benefits or how to connect with dentists who accept Medicaid and CHIP.