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Connecting Kids to Coverage Campaign Updates

November 8, 2013

How Many Eligible Children Are Covered under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program?

Increase in Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment May Be Attributed to State and Federal Efforts

  • Since 2008, Medicaid/CHIP participation rates have risen by 5.5 percentage points increasing from 81.7% in 2008 to 87.2% in 2011.
  • Overall, the number of eligible - but - uninsured children declined by 18% between 2008 and 2011.
  • 36% of all eligible - but - uninsured children live in just one of three states - California, Florida, and Texas.

Snapshot 1: Children's Medicaid/CHIP Participation Rates by State Map
87.2% Average Medicaid/CHIP participation rate among children in 2011. Color coded:

  • Alaska = Brown: below 80% = 77%
  • Washington = Blue: 80 - 90% = 89%
  • Oregon = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • California = Blue: 80 - 90% = 87%
  • Idaho = Blue: 80 - 90% = 85%
  • Nevada = Brown: below 80% = 70%
  • Utah = Brown: below 80% = 73%
  • Arizona = Blue: 80 - 90% = 80%
  • Montana = Brown: below 80% = 74%
  • Wyoming = Blue: 80 - 90% = 81%
  • Colorado = Blue: 80 - 90% = 81%
  • New Mexico = Orange: above 90% = 90%
  • North Dakota = Blue: 80 - 90% = 83%
  • South Dakota = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • Nebraska = Blue: 80 - 90% = 86%
  • Kansas = Blue: 80 - 90% = 86%
  • Oklahoma = Blue: 80 - 90% = 85%
  • Texas = Blue: 80 - 90% = 82%
  • Minnesota = Blue: 80 - 90% =84%
  • Iowa = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • Missouri = Blue: 80 - 90% = 87%
  • Arkansas = Orange: above 90% =94%
  • Louisiana = Orange: above 90% = 91%
  • Wisconsin = Orange: above 90% = 90%
  • Illinois = Orange: above 90% = 94%
  • Tennessee = Orange: above 90% = 90%
  • Mississippi = Blue: 80 - 90% = 89%
  • Indiana = Blue: 80 - 90% = 83%
  • Kentucky = Orange: above 90% =90%
  • Alabama = Orange: above 90% = 91%
  • Michigan = Orange: above 90% = 93%
  • Ohio = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • West Virginia = Orange: above 90% = 90%
  • Virginia = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • North Carolina = Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • South Carolina = Blue: 80 - 90% = 86%
  • Georgia =  Blue: 80 - 90% = 84%
  • Florida = Blue: 80 - 90% = 83%
  • Maine = Orange: above 90% = 92%
  • New York = Orange: above 90% = 92%
  • Pennsylvania =  Blue: 80 - 90% = 89%
  • Connecticut = Orange: above 90% = 95%
  • Vermont = Orange: above 90% = 97%
  • New Jersey=  Blue: 80 - 90% = 88%
  • New Hampshire = Orange: above 90% = 92%
  • Delaware = Orange: above 90% = 92%
  • Massachusetts = Orange: above 90% = 96%
  • Maryland = Orange: above 90% = 90%
  • Rhode Island = Orange: above 90% = 92%
  • District of Columbia = Orange: above 90% = 94%
  • Hawaii = Orange: above 90% = 90%

Source: Analysis of the Urban Institute Health Policy Center's ACS Medicaid/CIP Eligibility Simulation Model based on data form the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) from 2011.
Notes: Estimates reflect adjustments for possible misreporting of coverage on the ACS.

Snapshot 2: Bar chart from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Number of Eligible - But - Uninsured Children for the Nation (Numbers in Millions) 18% decline between 2008 - 2011.

  • 2008 4.9
  • 2009 4.6
  • 2010 4.4
  • 2011 4.0

Source: Analysis of the Urban Institute Health Policy Center's ACS Medicaid/CIP Eligibility Simulation Model based on data form the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) from 2011.
Notes: Estimates reflect adjustments for possible misreporting of coverage on the ACS.

Medicaid and CHIP Participation Rates Rise Again — Outreach Plays a Role

A study released in September by the Urban Institute shows that the percentage of eligible children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP has increased to 87.2% in 2011, up 5.5 percentage points from 2008. In fact, 19 states and the District of Columbia had participation rates of 90% or higher, compared to just four states and the District of Columbia in 2008. See how your state compares. Check out the updated map on our Campaign website.

Between 2008 and 2011 there was an 18% decline in the number of eligible-but-uninsured children in the United States, according to the study. While many factors are driving the progress on Medicaid and CHIP participation, the work that groups are doing on the ground directly with parents and children is making an important contribution to these impressive numbers.

But our job is not done — there are still 4 million children eligible for Medicaid and CHIP who aren't yet enrolled. Families can apply for Medicaid and CHIP at any time during the year. Connecting Kids to Coverage outreach and enrollment grantees and partners – along with new Navigators and Certified Application Counselors (CACs) -- are continuing to help families with the application process. It's important to tell families that now parents and other family members may also be eligible for health coverage.

Scholastic eNewsletter Offers Resources to Keep Students Healthy Throughout the Year

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign teamed up with Scholastic to issue a second eNewsletter promoting enrollment of eligible children in Medicaid and CHIP. In addition to directing school administrators and teachers to Medicaid and CHIP outreach materials, the eNewsletter contains a host of ideas for keeping students healthy throughout the year. The eNewsletter features information from CMS, Scholastic, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses on topics such as preventing colds and flu and addressing allergies and asthma. Learn more and forward this newsletter to members of your network and to school-based organizations in your community.

Think Teeth Oral Health Webinar Now Online

Did you miss the September 26th webinar – Think Teeth: New Developments in Medicaid and Children’s Oral Health? The hour-long webinar is now available online. Visit the webinar page on InsureKidsNow.gov to view this and other past Campaign webinars. During the webinar, we introduced our new Think Teeth oral health materials aimed at educating pregnant women and parents of young children on the best oral health practices. They also focus attention on the dental benefits available through Medicaid and CHIP. You can order these materials for free from CMS' Product ordering website. Be sure to read our ordering instructions .

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