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Campaign Updates - May 2017

May 8, 2017

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been working on the national, state and local levels to enroll more eligible children in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and to keep them covered for as long as they qualify!

Next Campaign Webinar Coming up on May 17! Connecting Kids to A+ Health Coverage for Back-to-School

Mark your calendar! The next Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign webinar will be held on May 17, 2017 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. The topic is "Connecting Kids to A+ Health Coverage for Back-to-School". Join us to explore ways your organization can work with schools and other education-focused groups to enroll children in Medicaid and CHIP, as well as hear about best practices and tips that can make your Back-to-School enrollment season a success!

2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines Released

The income eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP has increased by $600 this year, according the 2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines released by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Now, children in a family of four earning up to $49,200 a year or more may qualify for free or low-cost health coverage from your state. This is up from $48,600 a year in 2016. Campaign materials are being updated to reflect this change.

Research Round-Up: Medicaid and CHIP Messages that Resonate with Eligible Families

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) conducted research to gain a better understanding of the characteristics of parents of Medicaid and CHIP-eligible, but unenrolled children. The research examined barriers to enrollment, awareness of the programs, and the appeal and importance of Medicaid and CHIP to find out what messages would motivate parents to enroll their children and families. Key findings from the research include:

  • Common enrollment barriers included misconceptions about the application process, difficulties understanding and meeting eligibility, and immigration issues.
  • Understanding of eligibility requirements is an important motivator for parents to enroll their kids in Medicaid or CHIP. Parents need to know they meet the eligibility requirements to qualify.
  • Messages focused on rule changes and eligibility were a top motivator for parents to go to to explore coverage eligibility for their children.

These focus groups, surveys, and interviews show the importance of clear messages around eligibility requirements and the need to remind parents to reapply as requirements change. When this information is explained and shared, parents are more likely to seek coverage for their children. CMS closely reviewed the research as the agency began to develop new materials for 2017. Findings were also shared on a recent Campaign webinar, "Incorporating Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Resources into Outreach," along with details about Campaign materials, the @IKNGov Twitter handle, and a firsthand experience from a Connecting Kids to Coverage grantee.

Follow @MedicaidGov

The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services launched the @MedicaidGov Twitter handle six months ago as way to share the latest news about Medicaid and CHIP policy and guidance and more. Join the conversation and use #Medicaid in tweets.

We Want to Hear From You!

Is your organization currently planning Back-to-School outreach and enrollment activities? Let us know via email at We may feature your organization in a future Campaign Notes eNewsletter. Please also contact us with any questions about previous webinars. Access slides and recordings from previous Campaign webinars on

3 Ways to Stay Connected with the National Campaign

  • Share our materials widely. We have an ever-growing Outreach Tool Library featuring resources to use in outreach and enrollment efforts, including materials other languages.
  • Contact us to get more involved with the National Campaign at
  • Follow the Campaign on Twitter . Don't forget to re-tweet or share our messages with your network or use our #Enroll365  and #KidsEnroll  hashtags in your posts.

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Notes eNewsletter is distributed throughout the year and provides updates on National Campaign activities. If a friend or colleague forwarded this email to you, sign up to receive this eNewsletter directly to your inbox.