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Measuring for Success – Using Data to Improve Outreach and Enrollment Strategies

September 30, 2015

Tracking your Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment and renewal efforts is critical to assessing the impact of your outreach activities and to determining how best to adjust your efforts to achieve success. The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign recently hosted a webinar to highlight various methods organizations are using to evaluate their outreach activities. Presenters from Florida Covering Kids and Families and the Michigan Primary Care Association discussed the data they track and why, the tools they use to do so and how they use their results to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their work.

Setting Goals, Analyzing Results, Moving Forward

If you begin your outreach and enrollment with clear goals, it's easier to analyze your progress. The Michigan Primary Care Association (MCPA) tracks its statewide outreach efforts at a zip code level and is able to bolster its efforts geographically by identifying where most uninsured patients are visiting their health clinics. MCPA can then tailor its outreach to areas with the highest concentration of children and parents who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP but are not enrolled.

Use the data you've collected to understand trends and to determine how to move forward. Florida Covering Kids & Families enters data gathered from statewide outreach events to develop heat maps that track enrollment numbers to the type of outreach performed to help determine which outreach strategies are most effective in each community. While different factors will play a role in your enrollment success, heat maps can help you make decisions about where to allocate your resources.

As you plan for your upcoming year of Medicaid and CHIP outreach and enrollment, view our Outreach Video Library and webinar archive to review effective outreach ideas from other organizations. Think about how to incorporate promising strategies into your work plan.

3 Ways to Stay Connected With the National Campaign

  • Share our materials widely. We have more than 50 National Campaign resources available, including translated print materials, to use in outreach and enrollment efforts.
  • Follow the Campaign on Twitter. Don't forget to re-tweet or share our messages with your network or use our #Enroll365 hashtag in your posts.
  • Contact us to get more involved with the National Campaign at ConnectingKids@cms.hhs.gov or 1-855-313-KIDS (5437).

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