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Back-to-School Tips from the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign

August 21, 2014

Are you thinking about Back-to-School events that you can plan or promote in your community? Leading up to the first day of school and beyond, the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign will deliver a new tip straight to your inbox with ideas on how you can use Campaign resources as students and parents prepare for the new school year. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Campaign Resource Tip #3: Drop-in Newsletter Articles Help Outreach Partners Share Campaign Information

This Back-to-School season, educate families about enrolling in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) with the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign's template newsletter article (available in English or Spanish) directed to parents and caregivers. Community newspapers, school newsletters, church bulletins, and local community organizations are always looking for content to publish in print or online. You can customize the article with local statistics about children's health coverage, information about your state's Medicaid and CHIP programs, and contact information for your organization.

  1. School newsletters and updates. Schools send out a variety of materials to parents and their families at the start of the school year. Contact local schools and offer to submit an article to one of these publications. Find out if other school-based organizations like the Parent Teacher Association, school social workers or school nurses send materials to parents and caregivers that can feature an article about health coverage.
  2. Community organizations and faith-based group bulletins. All kinds of groups that interact with families can highlight the importance of health coverage and promote your enrollment events in their newsletters or bulletins. Reach out to group coordinators to find out about their communication channels and encourage them to feature your article.
  3. Community newspapers and local business circulars. Target papers and businesses that are popular among eligible families and ask them to include information that can help their readers and customers get health coverage.

Get started today! Visit InsureKidsNow.gov for Back-to-School materials to spread the word about free or low-cost health coverage for children and teens. For even more tips, check out the Back-to-School Booster Catalog. And remember, these materials are just some of the new outreach resources from the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign.

Stay Connected With the National Campaign – In 3 Easy Steps

  • Follow the Campaign on Twitter. Don't forget to re-tweet or share our messages with your network or use our #Enroll365 hashtag in your posts.
  • Share our materials widely. We have more than 50 National Campaign resources available, including translated print materials, to use in outreach and enrollment efforts.
  • Contact us to get more involved with the National Campaign at ConnectingKids@cms.hhs.gov or 1-855-313-KIDS (5437).

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Notes eNewsletter is distributed throughout the year and provides updates on National Campaign activities. If a friend or colleague forwarded this email to you, sign up to receive this eNewsletter directly to your inbox.