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Connecting Kids to Coverage Campaign Updates

July 2, 2014

Here are recent updates from the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign:

  • New! Medicaid/CHIP Fact Sheets: Helping Consumers Understand the Basics
  • Register for the July 17 Webinar!

New! Medicaid/CHIP Fact Sheets: Helping Consumers Understand the Basics

Throughout the nation, efforts to enroll eligible individuals in health insurance are moving forward. Millions are eligible for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – in many states, more people than ever before – and still need to be connected to the vital health benefits these programs provide. Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is year-round and is not subject to an open enrollment period. Eligible individuals can enroll at any time and get coverage right away.

To help support outreach and enrollment efforts, the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is offering a set of Medicaid fact sheets that are aimed at helping consumers understand the basics: Who is eligible for Medicaid and CHIP? What benefits do the programs provide? How can individuals enroll?

These fact sheets feature a variety of images and are available in English and Spanish. One set of fact sheets are tailored for states that have expanded Medicaid and another set is for states that have not expanded. We also are offering materials for use in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, where it is important to discuss specific protections for applicants and beneficiaries.

You can find the full set of fact sheets in our library along with instructions on how to get help customizing  them with your local phone number, logos and other information. You may, of course, download and print any of these fact sheets for use without customization.

We hope that you will find these materials useful and will make them available to consumers wherever you provide navigator and enrollment assistor services, at community health centers and hospitals, at summer recreation and Back-to-School events, in housing developments, food assistance and child care programs, and anywhere you may encounter families and individuals who may be eligible for Medicaid and CHIP but are not enrolled.

Register for the July 17 Webinar!

The next Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign webinar will be held on Thursday, July 17, 2014 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT. The topic will be "Medicaid and CHIP Outreach and Enrollment Considerations in Immigrant Communities". We will also take the opportunity to share new resources and ideas for the upcoming Back-to-School season.

Find additional details here Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Webinar – July 17.

We Want to Hear From You!

What Medicaid and CHIP enrollment activities do you have planned for the Back-to-School season? Please contact us at connectingkids@cms.hhs.gov or 1-855-313-KIDS (5437). We may feature your organization in a future Campaign Notes eNewsletter or webinar. Please also contact us with any questions about the webinar.

Stay Connected With the National Campaign – In 3 Easy Steps

  • Follow the Campaign on Twitter. Don't forget to re-tweet or share our messages with your network or use our #Enroll365 hashtag in your posts.
  • Share our materials widely. We have more than 50 National Campaign resources available, including translated print materials, to use in outreach and enrollment efforts.
  • Contact us to get more involved with the National Campaign at connectingkids@cms.hhs.gov or 1-855-313-KIDS (5437).

The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Notes eNewsletter is distributed throughout the year and provides updates on National Campaign activities. If a friend or colleague forwarded this email to you, sign up to receive this eNewsletter directly to your inbox.